This is the tagline for Garden Fest, an event in its second year at the South Carolina Botanical Garden (my workplace).
SC Master Gardeners providing advice about planning a garden
Supported by a network of groups from SC Master Gardener volunteers, Clemson University's Home and Garden Information Center, (CU) Students for Environmental Awareness, Upstate Locavores, CU Dirt to Food, a troop of middle-school Girl Scouts, and SCBG and Bob Campbell Geology Museum staff, it was a rewarding event.
Ellie Taylor of Upstate Locavores sharing ideas about container gardening |
We're basically encouraging folks to grow more of their own vegetables, and providing information about how to do it.
At the introduction table, I talked to young families, retirees, and mid-life folks, all who were interesting in growing more of their own food. It was a nice event.
Joey Williamson and Janet Scott, from CU's Home and Garden Information Center providing advice |
Vegetable transplants (a variety of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, and herbs) went off to new gardens (I donated the seeds so I feel a lovely sense of potential bounty shared).