A little bit of summer sun to make me feel warmer. It was actually quite hard to find a sunny photo from this summer as the weather wasn't so good this year.
It has been quite mild today. I think that the last remaining snow in the south of England or at least in Devon lies at the sides of our drive. I did see a few drifts gleaming palely in the night along the edges of the fields as well. Driving home there was not a sign of the cold spell until the top of the Lewis' hill when the grass on either side of the road was frosted white. At school my little micra had purred like a tiger when I turned the key in the ignition despite sitting in the school car park for over a week. Taking no chances for tomorrow morning I left the micra up in the field gateway and walked down the hill. A nice clear road until I got to the familiar snow blanket across the top of our drive. But what did I see ? Tyre tracks heading down our way, Hooray I thought, we have oil. But then I checked myself and reasoned that it might just have been the postman and sure enough there inside the porch was a small bundle of letters. Blast! Peter has informed me that after a firm word with our supplier (they did miss a top-up delivery and then didn't turn up at the beginning of the week just before the snow fell), they have promised to deliver oil on Monday. Off now to snuggle under the blankets and watch the semi-finals of Strictly.
Today's feel good moment - I was standing outside in the playground having inadvertently ended up on playground duty when a small boy came up to me and said " You look beautiful." That made me feel good (I was wearing plain black trousers and a black cashmere cardigan with a bright pink t-shirt underneath), but I wasn't so confident when he took my wrist and said "Your watch, it's beautiful, ..... and your dress." Oh well it was still nice to be complimented.