Sunday, June 12, 2011

Number 1000.

This is post 1000! That's nearly 3 years of putting my thoughts out into the blog sphere. A lot has happened in those 3 years. Our plans to move to New Zealand sadly came to naught but new plans for our future are emerging. Our health has been up and down though Peter's arthritis is now under control and I am waiting to be seen again by a back specialist 5 months after first seeing him. Peter retired from his job with the NHS and is happily working for an engineering firm. I went from teaching full-time, to part-time, back to full-time and will be back to part-time after the summer, all at the same school. Our boys have moved on with their own lives and for the moment we live a contented peaceful life here in sunny Devon.
Did I say sunny Devon? As the forecasters predicted the heavy rain arrived making for a day to be spent indoors. I've used the day to get on with writing the personal comments for my reports. That's the hardest part as I want to be positive but also truthful. If I write too many in one go they all start to look the same. I woke this morning with a sore throat and a runny nose. Oh joy, another cold starting up. Peter went into town to go rowing so he brought me back some throat sweets and ice cream to soothe my poor throat. My throat wasn't helped by my joining in with Songs of Praise which was featuring hymns and songs to celebrate Pentecost.

Here's to the next 1000 posts ....... and onwards.