Much better weather today unlike yesterday when 6-8ft waves and 35mph gusts of wind (not ideal sea going conditions) caused the Ilfracombe Regatta to be cancelled. This morning Peter went out rowing on the Taw nice and early to catch the tide. He was full of energy when he got home and cut up the leylandii trees with his new chainsaw while I did the carrying. There were a few showers in the morning but it was dry enough when Fred came round so that he and Peter could finally put the oil tank on some concrete slabs. The wooden supports were getting rather soggy and the oil delivery man was rather unhappy the last time he brought oil. The tank is too close to the stream, it was put in before the regulations were brought in but if we were to pollute the water we would be liable for massive fines so we have to make sure it is secure.
The sun came out in force in the afternoon and after a week of wet days I was able to get out and mow all the grass. Later we had a pleasant meal outside and I basked in the sun for an hour before bottling a dozen bottles of elderflower champagne. The hardest part of making the champagne was taking off the labels from the wine bottles I had been given. (I don't drink myself but elderflower champagne is only mildly alcoholic just very fizzy.)