Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where Has The Sun Gone ?

Back to grey skies and a drizzly afternoon so I couldn't even finish off the mowing. I'm not taking any more of the new medication because it is way too strong for me. I went back to sleep after Peter went off to row in a regatta this morning and didn't wake up till midday. That's from 1 tablet taken yesterday evening !

I haven't had too much energy today but I got a spare bedroom ready for Vytas' visit on Thursday and tidied up the conservatory. I'm still thinking about sealing the bare plaster walls in the kitchen so that I can paint them tomorrow evening. I have to go in to work in the morning and Fred will be finishing off the plastering anyway. He's not going to start on the sitting room until August because I've got various people coming to stay /visit next week and I don't want the sitting room to be out of action.
Nothing much else today. Peter enjoyed the regatta at Instow but he said it was rather cold and miserable for the spectators.