Friday, August 14, 2009

California Homeowners Insurance -- 4 Simple Tips For Big Discounts

It's truly very easy for everyone to get the right California home insurance coverage for a lot less. You only need the right information and the motivation to implement what you'll be taught to start enjoying a better rate. Let's look at several sure-fire ways to get this done...

1. Ensure you do NOT forget to subtract the land's value from your home's value as you apply for a California homeowner insurance policy. People who ignorantly do this are paying a lot more than would be of any benefit. They just insure their house for its full value without deducting the cost of the land.

If you made such a mistake, you'll have to review your California home owners insurance coverage and go through it again with your agent. Subtract the value of the land and you'll discover that you will need far less coverage.

Your premium will be cheaper and you'll still have enough coverage if you do this right. No matter what you do and who you meet, don't forget that the only things you insure are things that can be stolen or destroyed and your land is not one of such.

2. You'll spend more or less depending on your credit history. The lower your credit rating, the higher the premiums you will pay. What your credit rating reveals is how you treat your bills and it speaks negatively about you if it's a poor one. An insurance company takes this to mean that you are not financially very responsible and will possibly default in paying your rates. If you are considered a likely defaulter, it makes you a bigger risk and draws more expensive premiums than otherwise.

So do all within your power to clear all your bills in a promptly. You'll attract lower premiums if you do.

3. You'll pay more affordable rates if you choose to pay your rates anually and not every month. An insurance carrier is compelled to send you 12 notices for monthly payments instead of one for yearly payments. This costs them more.

Furthermore, each check they get attracts its own transaction charge too. 12 checks mean 12 transactions which incur 12 separate transaction charges. And as with every other thing, it is you the customer or policy holder who bears that cost.

Therefore, you'll get cheaper rates if you decide to pay your premiums anually. You could save up to a month's premium in just a single year.

4. You can reduce your California home owners insurance rates by asking for and comparing quotes from at least five good insurance quotes sites.
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