Eight Areas
In Chinese, the term ‘bagua’ relates to eight areas or “ba = eight” and “gua = areas”. Each of these eight sections of the bathroom floor in Feng Shui relates to different areas in your life and each such section is termed a ‘gua’ on the bagua map. There is also a ninth gua that is the center as related to the other eight guas. In order to create the best bathroom floor based on Feng Shui principles you need to make best use of the Bagua map and do so according to various energy centers in the eight different guas.
The Feng Shui bagua is the most important tool in Feng Shui as it does more than help you create the right bathroom floor with Feng Shui principles in mind but it also helps you learn the inter-relationship between the environment and different aspects of your life. These eight guas represent for example Wealth, Love, Reputation, and Family And Health As Well Travel And Career And Wisdom And Also Children As Well As Creativity.
The center of the bathroom floor in Feng Shui is represented by earth and the color yellow. To one side of the center there is Wealth and Family and Knowledge while on the opposite side there are Relationships, Children and Creativity and also Helpful People. At the top of the center there is Fame while at the bottom there is Career.
Having understood the bagua map you can then learn to accentuate areas of the bathroom floor based on Feng Shui principles so that positive energy flows and this will then help increase your wealth and happiness.
Of course, it is important to realize that Feng Shui is not a magic wand that will immediately bring wealth and prosperity into your life. It is also not a religion; yet it still lures numerous people into adhering to its principals. With a history that goes back more than six thousand years it is certainly about vigilance and combinations of science, math and geology as well as liberal doses of intuition – all of which helps balance life’s energies in a bid to make you happier and a lot more prosperous.
Author by linkroll