Today was the first time that the gig club was able to row from Barnstaple so I went along with Peter to watch him out on the river.
It looks like a lot of fun. Quite a few people have joined the club so each group only had half an hour on the water. While Peter was rowing I walked up to the High Street where most shops are open on Sundays. As I crossed the Cattle Market car park I noticed a parking warden putting tickets on those who had dared to park without paying. It used to be free on Sundays but now the council tries to make as much money as possible. I had parked in the civic centre car park by the river and I double checked that it was still free on Sundays.
After rowing Peter and I drove to Woolacombe for a walk on Barricane beach. It was great to let the wind blow away the cobwebs. The tide was coming in but it didn't matter because.......
.... I'd found a reason to buy those spotty wellies I'd been eyeing up last week. I never think to bring my clumpy builder's wellies to the beach but these can live in the boot of my car for such occasions.
After watching the waves and picking up some shells we retired to the cliff top to do more wave watching. The surf was up and there were plenty of surfers in the water. When the sun shone through the clouds it was quite warm so we sat, chatted and longed to be once more on Lundy which we could see clearly even though we had forgotten to bring our binoculars.