We're still snow and ice bound in our little valley. (What's the opposite of
Shangri La?)

Yesterday's thaw has, in places, frozen to treacherous ice.

I made another journey into town and of course once past
Indicott there is very little sign that there ever was any snow. Reaching the top of Whitefield Hill the view was amazing. The sun was
reflecting off large areas of thick mist in the valleys making it look as if a magical silver lake had appeared overnight. Unfortunately somebody was right behind me so I couldn't stop to take a picture and when I did stop on my return journey the mists had gone.

Our problem is, as usual, the last stretch of road down into the valley. Yesterday Paul parked his Disco across the road to stop anyone driving down as the sharp bend makes it impossible to see what the conditions are like before it is too late. On my return from town I was able to slide the large box containing an oil filled radiator most of the way down which was good as I was also laden with more food - just in case.
We decided to buy the heater as our bedroom is unpleasantly cold. Fine when you're tucked up in bed with extra blankets and hot water bottles but not nice otherwise. The kitchen is staying warm with the Rayburn still burning. I've left the warming oven door open and Smudge is usually to be found sitting in there. The wood burner keeps the sitting room warm and in general it's not bad if you're moving around. It's been warmer this weekend but temperatures are said to drop again in the week so I don't think there's much chance of an oil delivery.

Town was its usual busy self with at least half the shops including the charity shops open. I parked in the cattle market and in front of Castle Mound (originally an almost vertically sided hill with a palisade on top from where a look out was kept for invading Vikings and later pirates,) I saw this odd sight.

Something to do with the panto or some sort of Christmas promotion? And then as I was driving away a Santa in full kit with tinsel, ran across the road, followed by another, and another. When I drove up to the junction there were at least 3 or 4 more Santas following on. Weird , or maybe not for this time of year.