I'm now hoping that the snow will still be here tomorrow so that I can see it in the daylight. We've had a few flurries at school and a light frosting around the place in the morning but you couldn't call it snow. Here the fields are white and the snow drifts have been sculpted into beautiful flowing shapes.
Once more we set off in the dark, the crescent moon and the earth's shadow were shinning clearly in the night sky and up above the morning star was guiding us up the hill. Once we were driving I was entranced by the sparkling lights that twinkled from the untouched snow on either side of the road. I don't think I've driven in the snow in the dark before and if I was driving all my attention would have been on the road surface ahead not looking to either side.
I drove us home on our return journey going the longer way round up Whitefield hill. The road was clear but had impressive snow drifts balanced on top of the hedges. From Indicott it was good practice for me to be driving over packed snow with a few deeply rutted areas where the snow had drifted. I keep my speed really low and get a little bit of smug satisfaction from seeing wildly swerving tracks where over confident drivers have gone too fast and skidded about on the road. Reaching the top of our drive we found that Paul had scraped all the top section of the road clear so I drove down to the field gateway at the halfway point and parked there. It gets very steep after that and often has black ice so even Paul has left his Discovery up there. We had our stress dress rehearsal at school today. It was ok but the children were so distracted by the costumes that the volume of the singing went down to a fraction of their usual performance. My class had more singing practice in our classroom afterwards with my student who is a music specialist and has the most beautiful singing voice. If they keep up their improvement I've promised them a small treat after Monday's dress rehearsal (Mum's & toddlers, last year's Year Twos and some children from a special school will be there for that one). Better buy some chocolate tomorrow, a bribe is seriously needed at this point so healthy schools goes out the window.