Winter has been snowy and cold here in the Southern US. Way beyond usual.
Normally, I'd be out mulching and harvesting kale. But the frigid cold and ice has kept the kale frozen and wan. It's not exactly ready to harvest.
And it's hard to even think about revisioning a home landscape or winter vegetable gardening (or any of the other programs I'd thought up for late January at the Garden where I work).
But I've got personal plans for low tunnels and quick hoops, etc. for next year. And our (now) unheated teaching greenhouse at the Garden is an experimental cold house.
And, I just ordered organic 'seed' potatoes from Wood Prairie Farm, perennial leeks from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, and am trying not to order anything more before I survey my seed supply.
I could order onions from Dixondale Farms, however. I just received their catalog in the mail. Onions aren't something I'd normally grow from seed, so it's rewarding to order short-day sets that are ready to go, and will bulb up in our lower latitude.