I tidied up one of the perennial borders today (sorely needed), and dug a new vegetable bed in a sunny area (the main vegetable garden is becoming increasingly shaded by the holly and Ternstromia hedge. The front meadow is next on the agenda for clean-up.
It was unseasonably warm - I'm not 'used to' 75+°F temperatures yet. It's still early for that -- it's only mid March.
It felt downright hot in the full sun, but then I was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Even having worn a hat, I'm feeling sunburnt, a hazard this time of year (more normal in April).
The garlic and onions are doing well, the asparagus is slowly emerging, and I've hopefully replanted pea shoots (those darn squirrels keep digging them up as they germinate and emerge). Hhrmph.