Thursday, March 10, 2011

Growing wheat for bread

At the Organic Grower's School in Asheville last weekend, a speaker suggested that we could grow enough wheat to bake a loaf of bread each week on a 30 ft. X 10 ft. plot.

Hmm, that's 300 sq. ft. -- a nice sized space, and larger than I'd devote to grains in my vegetable gardens, but it still didn't seem possible to me, but what do I know about wheat growing?  Not much, to be sure. 

But, poking around, I found information on about how a 10 X 10 ft. plot would yield enough wheat to yield between 10-25 loaves of bread, so maybe the speaker wasn't so far off.

But, of course, the grain needs to be threshed (freed of chaff) and then ground, before one makes it into bread.  So it's not a simple process or particularly easy.

It was an interesting revelation.  My gardening companion and I probably eat a loaf and a half of bread a week, more or less, although now I'll think I'll need to keep track, depending on how much extra from dinner goes into lunches the next day.