It was grey and rather cold first thing this morning so I was glad that I could have a bit of a lie-in. This was because I was heading off to the local hospital for another MRI scan as it has been a year since the last one. Having decided to change hospitals (ie doctor) the whole process starts again though they do have access to my previous scan. This time a made sure I had a blanket as I found it quite cold last time and I was going to be stuck in the scanner for half an hour. Of course the minute they ask you to lie still you start thinking that your leg is going to twitch and the more you think about it the harder it is to stay still but the classical music in my headphones helped.
It was strange coming into work at lunchtime as I've been full-time for nearly a year now. The sun was out and the afternoon passed in a whirl. Another staff meeting after school, some quick planning and then home. The sun was a great flaming ball in my rear view mirror and as it was still a pink twilight when I got home I threw on my walking boots and went up the hill. It is only half a mile to the road but the steep hill makes for a good cardio-vascular workout. I gave into the temptation to run a little at the top but common sense told me my knee would suffer so reluctantly I confined myself to walking with longer and faster strides.
I'll publish this post and then attempt to download some photos from my camera. Peter did some work on my PC last night and it does seem to be running a bit better. Keep your fingers crossed.