In the Southeastern U.S., we're in full swing now with spring flowers.
Many of the Asian ornamentals are flowering (or have flowered): camellias, Asian species of Magnolia, Prunus mume (Japanese apricot) and forsythia. The Mediterranean bulbs- crocus, Leucojum, and daffodils are flowering, soon to be followed by tulips and later flowering species (Allium, etc.).
But in our part of the world, the kudos go to our native spring woodland wildflowers (spring ephemerals). They're wonderful in the rich cove forests of the mountains and in remnant patches in the piedmont. Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot) has emerged and starting to flower in our home garden. This was last year at the end of March.
I need to check in the woodland area along the Heusel Nature Trail in the South Carolina Botanical Garden (where I work) - bloodroot is abundant below the path, along the slope down to the creek.