Cold, grey and for most of the day, wet. Typical Devon summer weather. Romas has just phoned from Jamaica where he is having a wonderful holiday with Vicky and her parents. He's going to have his first pool dive tomorrow and the coolest it has been is 29C. Lucky lad.
The rain did dry up in the afternoon and I finally got the veg plot planted up with the seedlings I've been nurturing in the conservatory. Lack of space and my mad impulse to plant potatoes has meant that everything is planted a bit close so I suppose it's intensive veg growing. Plenty more projects to be getting on with in the summer holidays.
Each day more flowers appear to brighten up the garden. Certain of my 'garden' flowers might be considered wild flowers more likely to be seen in the hedgerows rather than in traditional gardens. Some like the foxgloves that pop up around the place or the buttercups that brighten up the woodland corner arrived by themselves and others like the red valerian and the primroses were originally dug up from the wild (naughty me). Actually the valerian was growing in the gravel of a run down car park, must look for some white and pink plants. They have a thick tap root that normally grows between stones and is difficult to dig out so only very small plants transplant successfully.