Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finally some sunny days

I guess I need to be grateful for sunshine, if not warmth. Last year by mid-February, I'd already planted my onion sets, and sown some early winter greens, lettuce, and peas. But every year is different, and climate change, in my view (and predicted by climate change models), is definitely bringing more changeable weather, especially in the spring.

My fall-planted garlic is just waiting for some warmth to start storing the carbohydrates that will fuel clove production in late spring. And, I'm anxious to get my onions and leeks in the ground.

And I'm anxious to get the raised beds set up in the mountains for our summer garden.

My gardening companion is not sympathetic when I think about my container plants that have succumbed to the extreme winter weather. He says that I need fewer containers to worry about over the summer! Hmmph. I suppose he's right, but I am sorry to lose the thymes, Spanish lavender, sedums, and santolina. I'll see what emerges as warmer weather returns.