Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Elephants Plastered.

There was the tiniest hint of pink in the sky this evening. Apart from that the weather has been much the same as yesterday, cold, wet and windy.This was at school where we poor teachers were, as ever, toiling away. (Is that the dreaded split infinitive?)
I had been cutting out 30 pairs of hands with mendi patterns on them. The hands are now stapled to a big display board in my cloakroom. I don't have a definite plan for that display yet but I couldn't stand looking at an empty board any longer. A few ideas are floating around in my head but we are in the middle of plaster elephants and clay cobras which ought to be finished off before we start anything else. The last of the children covered their cardboard elephants with plaster bandage today so that is one very messy job out of the way. Now there is the fun of painting and decorating (that sounds silly) the elephants.