Yesterday a metal butterfly, today a Small Tortoiseshell that was fluttering at the window by my pc. I released it outside so it could find somewhere cool to hibernate. The warmth of the house would keep it awake and it would use up all its energy trying to get out of the windows. Having got all my schoolwork out of the way yesterday I set myself the task of putting up some extra curtains on the bedroom windows. Even though we have double glazing last week's gales brought home the fact that the windows are a bit drafty and we are losing heat through them. I don't want to be paying all that money for expensive oil and still have a cold bedroom. As our walls are quite deep my plan is to have a second set of curtains right on the windows rather than on the bedroom walls. Along with a thorough filling in of all the holes and gaps with polyfiller they should provide an extra layer of insulation. First job was to buy some curtain tracks yesterday. Today I removed all the clutter which accumulates on every surface in this house, gave everything, clutter, walls and windows a through clean and put up the tracks. Some of the wall paper needs pasting down but I need to buy some more paste. Now all I have to do is remake some velvet curtains I was given ages ago. They match the carpet exactly so it is worth the bother of turning them sideways and re-stitching on the gathering tape. This I'll do by hand because I don't think my machine will go through several layers of velvet and lining fabric. I'm giving the whole room a good spring clean before we get our new bed. Depending on progress I might even give it a fresh coat of paint as well.
Just looked out of the window at the silhouette of the bare trees against the darkening sky and saw a squirrel leaping along from branch to branch. It has been pouring with rain nearly all day so no incentive to do any outdoor work once I fed the hens and hung up some food for the wild birds. Off now to start sewing.
Just looked out of the window at the silhouette of the bare trees against the darkening sky and saw a squirrel leaping along from branch to branch. It has been pouring with rain nearly all day so no incentive to do any outdoor work once I fed the hens and hung up some food for the wild birds. Off now to start sewing.