I couldn't bear to be without any camera at all so 3 days ago I typed in 'digital camera' into eBay. The first item to appear was this baby Nikon. It looked ok so I threw in a minimum bid and 3 mins later I was the proud owner of this Nikon Coolpix 2100 for the princely sum of £15 including postage. Not a bad buy as it retails at about 10x that. It arrived today with box, instructions, cable, rechargeable batteries and charger. The only thing lacking was the lead for the charger but it has the same connector as my flat battery charger for my bigger Nikon. The batteries were low so I only had time for a quick play but it seems to be working.

Not a bad day at school though my cold which I had thought was finally going (after 4 weeks) has hit me again with a vengeance. Runny nose, sore throat and today a fading voice. Not the best thing when you're teaching. Even so I could not resist joining in with the singing when we practised the songs for our school play. Even though we're still on our India topic the glitter came out today. The carpet looked very - sparkly, when I left the classroom.