Woke this morning to ice on the road so I opted to take the 4x4 Rav for my journey in to school.
All along the top of the hills the road, hedgerows and fields were a festive white. It was only as the road took a turn southwards could I see the fields in the distance showing green and of course by the time I got to town there was not a hint of ice or snow.

Up on our north facing hills we are in a little micro climate that seems to change dramatically once you get to the main road.
The garden this evening.
We had a fun filled Indian themed day in school with everyone dressed in Indian clothing ( or some approximation including belly dancer and Aladdin outfits), games, lots of food, samosas, bahjis and naans, for the children to eat and the afternoon filled with a celebration assembly with everyone showing some of the things they had been doing as part of the India topic. My class put on their dances which of course weren't half as good as when they practised in the class but still pretty good. It was during this assembly that I was given a message that someone had just come in from Shirwell with several inches of snow on their car. I wasn't too worried as I had the Rav but I headed out from school the minute the last of my class had been collected. Driving out from town each successive view of the hills showed whiter and whiter fields with low hanging mist/snow clouds. When I got up to Shirwell there were accident signs and police about as a car had crashed into a school bus (no one hurt I was told). Once I turned onto the back roads I kept my speed right down as I'm not sure what the grip of the Rav is and I don't want to find out the hard way. At the top of my drive I met my neighbours who had been for an emergency shop, we left our cars up by the top field where I left the micra last night, and walked down the hill together. I keep my spotty wellies in the back of the micra for such occasions. We've been forecast more snow for tomorrow and the beginning of next week. Only this morning on the radio they were saying it has been the hottest year ever (globally I think) and then remarking on how this is the earliest we've had a cold spell for many years.
Up on our north facing hills we are in a little micro climate that seems to change dramatically once you get to the main road.
We had a fun filled Indian themed day in school with everyone dressed in Indian clothing ( or some approximation including belly dancer and Aladdin outfits), games, lots of food, samosas, bahjis and naans, for the children to eat and the afternoon filled with a celebration assembly with everyone showing some of the things they had been doing as part of the India topic. My class put on their dances which of course weren't half as good as when they practised in the class but still pretty good. It was during this assembly that I was given a message that someone had just come in from Shirwell with several inches of snow on their car. I wasn't too worried as I had the Rav but I headed out from school the minute the last of my class had been collected. Driving out from town each successive view of the hills showed whiter and whiter fields with low hanging mist/snow clouds. When I got up to Shirwell there were accident signs and police about as a car had crashed into a school bus (no one hurt I was told). Once I turned onto the back roads I kept my speed right down as I'm not sure what the grip of the Rav is and I don't want to find out the hard way. At the top of my drive I met my neighbours who had been for an emergency shop, we left our cars up by the top field where I left the micra last night, and walked down the hill together. I keep my spotty wellies in the back of the micra for such occasions. We've been forecast more snow for tomorrow and the beginning of next week. Only this morning on the radio they were saying it has been the hottest year ever (globally I think) and then remarking on how this is the earliest we've had a cold spell for many years.